footers for sections placed in wrong location


I have a problem with report, just created a generated design and added two section groups from which each of section group has 3 sections (header,body,footer).

All the data is working perfectly but when I am running the report, section group footer is placing in wrong location, I just want every footer inside it’s related section group.

This is my report’s design:


And this is the output for this:

Maybe there I have more than 10 sectionGroups, I want the same design for all.

Thanks in advance

It looks like that New_Joiness group is printed inside Resignees group. Review the relation between data sources used for individual group.

By the way, if all groups look the same, can’t you simply use a single section group?

And which version of AX is that?

refer below link

Yes Martin,

Data for both sections are from same table but, for the second section group I created a view from the same table to separate the sectionGroups datasources and avoid appearing inside each other, but still it is not working.

It is AX 2009.


please try this one you can add footer part before the Body Part(Alt + Up KEY).


You can see in snapshot it is already after the body.


Basically footer displays the data at the end of the page , for your requirement use fetch method and try taking the programmable section.

Sravan, you’re talking about page footer, not section footers. They’re two different things.


Is it possible to add programmable section instead of every footer, and then execute it by code after body execution of every SectionGroup?

If yes:

In which method I should find the body of SectionGroup?

and how should I call that programmable section once it is found?


You can print programmable sections by execute() (using section’s control number) or executeSection() (setting the section as auto-declared and referring to its name, which I prefer).

You call override executeSection() of various sections and put code there, or to remove super() from fetch() and implement the whole flow there manually.

You may also want to read through Creating Reports in the AOT (MorphX Reporting Tools).

Thanks Martin,

I added element.addPendingSums(); in the executeSection method of New_Joinee_Header before of super(); and I got that both footers came after Resignee sectionGroup.

But I want every footer must come after it’s own sectionGroup’s body, therefore I added a boolean suppress call for the super of New_Joinee_footer at it’s executeSection method as:

if(sect2) super();

and added value for sect2=true; after element.addPendingSums(); in the executeSection method of New_Joinee_Header , and after doing this New_Joinee_footer became invisible.

Any idea to resolve this issue, means visible the New_Joinee_footer at it’s own place?


Got the Solution,

added element.addPendingSums(); in every sectionGroup’s body section’s executeSection() method, as:

public void executeSection()





Sorry, I don’t know how to delete above reply, it is not the solution, it just get the footer repeated with every line of body.