Dear all,
I have created the flow field , SUM (Method:SUM ) when run from another table , automatically SUM is calculated for the particular fields , but the drill down or lookup button is not working during run time which should assist the table .
With regards,
( R.Ramanathan )
October 26, 2009, 12:17pm
In CalcFormual, where you have defined Method: SUM, what are the values of
Table Filter
Have a look on Item table’s Inventory (Field No. 68) field, which is FlowField and calcformula is
Sum(“Item Ledger Entry”.Quantity WHERE (Item No.=FIELD(No.),Global Dimension 1 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 1 Filter),Global Dimension 2 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 2 Filter),Location Code=FIELD(Location Filter),Drop Shipment=FIELD(Drop Shipment Filter),Variant Code=FIELD(Variant Filter),Lot No.=FIELD(Lot No. Filter),Serial No.=FIELD(Serial No. Filter),Fund No.=FIELD(Fund Filter),Global Dimension 3 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 3 Filter),Global Dimension 4 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 4 Filter),Global Dimension 5 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 5 Filter),Global Dimension 6 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 6 Filter),Global Dimension 7 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 7 Filter),Global Dimension 8 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 8 Filter)))
You have defined Method: SUM, but system needs to know sum of which field and from which table?
Also check, that the table whose fields sum is being taken, should have LookUpFormID and DrillDownFormID (check from Blank Line and Press Shift+F4 )
Don’t forget to set your flowfield to not editable.
Dear all,
I have created the flow field , SUM (Method:SUM ) when run from another table , automatically SUM is calculated for the particular fields , but the drill down or lookup button is not working during run time which should assist the table .
With regards,
( R.Ramanathan )
Does the table on which the flowfield is calculated have an assigned DrillDownForm in its properties?
Dear Dhan Raj,
I have found the solution for this case. Thanku for ur help
With regards,
( R.Ramanathan )