Flat Tax Amount in NAV as opposed to percentage

I have a question. I am using Sales Tax in NAV and I post Sales Tax as a percentage, works fine.

Now, I have a request from a client if I can post a flat amount, for instance .10 cents and this would be based on quantity.

If the quantity is 1, it will be .10

If the quantity is 2, it wil lbe .20


I am doing this because my client uses bottle deposits, and a bottle deposit is .10 per bottle.

Can I use the NAV tax setup to accomplish this?

No. It’s %-based normally, and why at all to use some functionality for totally different needs?

But I recall there were questions exactly about bottle deposits some time ago, please do some search. There was even more - customers could buy bottle, on repeated sales they came with their “own” bottle, but not always, then deposit was taken or something like that.