Hello, We went to our first active introduction last monday at our software supplier. We had to learn what functions are possible with the buttons like copy/past/next/first/last etc. We also had to learn how we could search. It was a good thing that we have learned it, because we now have a basic knowledge on which we can build forward. For myself, I hope that the implementation it as clear as our first impression. My previous thoughts were that the time that we go live (1st of June) was not possible. However, when I was through the active introduction my opinion is that we can make it, though I don’t want anything to be rushed… it’s too important for our organisation. I guess I’ll just see what happens to next few weeks.[:)] Me very happy with Navision (although we’re not working with uit yet). The possibilities seems to be endless… I would really like to see in the future so I can see how much time I can save[^] by working with Navision. Is there a tool or calculation known for this ? Maybe… there a chance… i would be gratefull if some one can tell me how, where to find it…