Hi all, This may be an blatantly obvious easy one, but I can’t find anything in the C/Side reference - Is there a function somewhere to return what day it is from a given date. I would like to be able to give it ‘TODAY’ and it return ‘Monday’. Many thanks Justin
Try Number := DATE2DWY(TODAY, 1) Number is the day of the week where Monday is 1 and Sunday is 7. Hope this helps
Works a treat, thanks very much.
Try format(TODAY(),0,’’))
A more tricky one (that I can’t solve without writing code): From Date, get Year, Week correctly. I.e. year 2001, 31 of Dec is Monday Week 1 (of year 2002). How do you get from 2001-12-31 to W-0201? Pelle
How about “FORMAT(calcdate(‘CW’,Date),0,‘W-<week,2>’)”