Filtering flowfields


In Table 112 (Sales Invoice Header) I made the next flowfields:

Prepayment Cr.Memo No. CalcFormula: Lookup(“Sales Cr.Memo Header”.No. WHERE (Prepayment Order No.=FIELD(Prepayment Order No.),Prepayment Credit Memo=CONST(Yes)))

CLE Entry No. CalcFormula: Lookup(“Cust. Ledger Entry”.“Entry No.” WHERE (Document No.=FIELD(No.)))

Remaining Amount CalcFormula: Sum(“Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry”.Amount WHERE (Cust. Ledger Entry No.=FIELD(CLE Entry No.)))

On Page 143 (Posted Sales Invoices) I put out these fields, and they show the correct values.

I would like to set filters for them. For “Prepayment Cr.Memo No.” and “CLE Entry No.” fields, it works. But for the “Remaining Amount” field it doesn’t.

E.g. I would like to filter those invoices, where “Remaining Amount” is bigger than 0. And it shows nothing, despite having invoices with that values.

Has anyone any idea, what the problem can be?

Thanks in advance,


Can you see Values in Remaining Amount field?

Yes, I see the values.

But when I set the filters, e.g. Remaining Amount > 0, the result set is empty.

But in the table there are lines, which has bigger Remaining Amount than 0.

I think the confusion here is that their is a standard field called “Remaining Amount” and above you state you created a field called “remaining Amount”

Remaining Amount CalcFormula: Sum(“Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry”.Amount WHERE (Cust. Ledger Entry No.=FIELD(CLE Entry No.)))

In my opinion if you are looking for where Remaining Amount > 0 then why not just use the “Open” field in your filter instead.

Obviously when remaining amount = 0 then Open = false.