Are you able to retrieve a value from a record, where you know only the DATABASE TableNo and FieldNo. ie TableNo = 36 FieldNo = 100 I would want to return the value in a specific record for the External Document No field. Thanks Darren

It depends on what version you are using. This was added in 3.60 (RecordRef & FieldRef), but apparently it’s not too reliable.

Thanks, We are using 3.60 but never thought of RecordRef / FieldRef. You say it is not too reliable. Does that mean it may work, or that it will work only some of the time!!

You cam make it easy using RecordRef and FieldRef variable types. You can look in help for explanation. If you need an example feel free to ask [;)]

Thank you Arthur, I would appreciate an example if it is not too much trouble. [8D]

I have encountered this issue too with using advanced dimension and setting filters based upon which shorcut dimension is populated etc. I would like to know how you can easily get the value of lets say shorcut dimension code 3 then base filters in another table upon this field value.


You say it is not too reliable. Does that mean it may work, or that it will work only some of the time!!

No idea, I’m afraid - I haven’t had the pleasure of trying them yet. But I have heard that the functionality is a bit unreliable - for one example see this thread: and read Marco de Vries’ posting - I’ve seen this opinion more than once, that’s all.

RecordRef: RecordRef FieldRef: FieldRef TableNo: Integer FieldNo: Integer DocNo: Code[20] TableNo := 36; FieldNo := 100; RecordRef.OPEN(TableNo); FieldRef := RecordRef.FIELD(FieldNo); DocNo := FieldRef.VALUE;