hi friends
Am writing below codes for passing the value from one Grid to another Grid through Button Click and inserting …
void clicked()
Account VendAccNo;
Args args;
args =new Args();
VendAccNo= args.parm(productInform.VendorAccountNumber);
if (VendAccNo==Purchline.ItemId)
//while select PurchLine where PurchLine.VendAccount = VendAcc
while select purchLine where purchLine.ItemId == VendAccNo
In this codes insert the values.but more then 10 times…
How can i Solve it…Anyone help me…
Sorry, I don’t understand the problem. What do you mean by “but more then 10 times”?
It fetch the data from Grid and insert the selected records in the Second Grid Table .its Working Well…
my problem is if the already data exist in Second Grid Table means it cann’t insert the data…how can i solve it
What you want to do in such a case? Skipping records that already exist?
hi martin,
For Example am Using Table Purch Table having all fields like Purch Id ,Purch Name,Vand Acc,etc.
am using another table purch Line for getting Unit Price, Net Amount…here purch Table and Purch line id are same. it shows in Grid 1…
while am Clicking the Copy Lines button…the related data passed to another Grid2 Item Details Table .here Item Details Table having same fields. In that Grid i want to save the fields related to vendor account number
select the record in the Grid.then Click the Copy Line button.related field pass to the Below grid views.here i want to add the Records that’s it…I hope You will understand that