When exporting to a .XLS file when running a report, when the file is opened in Excel it still thinks that it is a .csv file. Is there something else that needs to be done?
Hi, How are you exporting in xls format by saving as HTML first and then opening thru’ excel or other methods? Regards
When I export the file from Navision I have defined in the code behind the dataport that the file should be a .XLS. However, when I try to open this file in Excel it still thinks it is in a .CSV format.
The Suffix .XLS doesn’t enforce a Dataport-File to “be” an Excel-File! The Structure of a file is important! A Dataport exports data in this structure:
And this is a “classic” .CSV-stucture, which it is interpreted by Excel. To create “real” Excel-Files you have to use the Automation feature of NAVISION. Regards, Jörg Joerg A. Stryk Apollo-Optik, IT/ERP
My Advice would be to use Auotomation Server to export the information that you want. Once you start using it I think you will find that there is really no substitute. Here is some code example.
Name DataType Subtype Length
xlApp Automation 'Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library'.Application
xlBook Automation 'Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library'.Workbook
xlSheet Automation 'Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library'.Worksheet
xlChart Automation 'Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library'.Chart
xlRange Automation 'Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library'.Range
Filename Text 250
// Start Of Excel Program
Filename :='S:\Data\BuyersOrder.xls';
xlBook :=xlApp.Workbooks.Add(Filename);
xlSheet :=xlApp.ActiveSheet;
xlSheet.Name := 'Quote #'+"No.";
Counter := '25';
// Sales Line 2 From Report #50007
Core_Deposit := SalesLine."Core Deposit";
Engine_Deposit := SalesLine."Engine Deposit";
Returning_Core := SalesLine."Core Deposit";
SalesLine."Unit Price" := ROUND(SalesLine."Unit Price",1,'=');
Total_Price := ROUND(Total_Price,1,'=');
Total_Price := Total_Price + SalesLine."Unit Price";
Cdes:=SalesLine."Posting Group";
CPrice:=SalesLine."Unit Price";
Core_Allowance := CPrice;
EngModel := SalesLine."No."
IF SalesHeader."Tax Liable" = TRUE THEN BEGIN
Sales_Tax := (Total_Price - Core_Allowance - Engine_Deposit) * 0.0625;
xlSheet.Range ('A'+Counter).Value := SalesLine."No.";
xlSheet.Range ('C'+Counter).Value :=SalesLine.Description;
xlSheet.Range ('I'+Counter).Value :=SalesLine."Unit Price";
Counter := INCSTR(Counter);
UNTIL SalesLine."Document No." <> "No.";
For Progress = 1 to 100 if Progress = 100 then Progress = 0 Else Next Progress
i use followin code: BUF.CreateBook(); BUF.CreateSheet(‘NAME’,‘DESCR’,COMPANYNAME,USERID); BUF.GiveUserControl; where BUF= table 370 if works from 3.00 PS. You have to fill table 370 (Excel buffer) first. But it s not so difficult