Expiry dates Application Method

Within Item tracking, Lot application methods are FIFO and LIFO, does attain 3.60 use this( expiry date) in allocating stock to orders? If yes plse shed more light on this. If no how can it be incorporated. Am on a project that has pharmaceticals in stock and expiration and stock rotation are critical in this industry. Thanx Steve

For an Item which is setup for Lot Specific Tracking, when receiving stock then Item Tracking Lines must be entered. If the manual expiry date required field if set to Yes on the misc Tab of the Item Tracking card, in Purchase Order Receipts or Purchase Invoice forces you to enter an expiration date for each lot. ( Add the field with Show Column ). I’m assuming that the Lot Application Method on the Item Tracking Card has priority over the costing method on the item card. In Sales orders the Auto Reserve function ( Allocation ) will reserve against the first open item ledger entry. It doesn’t take into account whether the item is setup for Fifo or Lifo. Also it doesn’t take into account the expiry dates in the reservaton. I.e. it will reserve items that are past their expiry date. As an alternative to Auto reserve you can reserve at the Lot level, where you can see each lot and the expiry date for a specific lot. On the Item Tracking card there is also a field called Strict Expiration Posting. If this is set to Yes, then this will prevent shipment or invoicing of the item if the expiration date is before the posting date on the sales order. For cost of sales I’m assuming the usual accounting rules are followed. I.e. Lifo or Fifo as defined. Test it in a simple form, i.e. without Warehousing. Its reasonable easy to see how it works. It gets more complex and I’m sure others will have more to add to my comments. Good Luck. Navicons