Execute permission

Can anyone please help on this.

you do not have the following permissions on Page xxxxxx: Execute

Page View - xxxxxx must close.

Hi, to solve this problem you need to insert related permission (a record in Permission table) for the role of the using encountering the error, setting up at least Execute Permission = True. After that, before trying again, is necessary to synchronize the user to make the modification effective.

How do u go about that?

In Classic Client Use the menu Tools → Security → Roles; on the one to integrate press “Role” button and then permissions.

Here insert a record with object type Page, filling the object ID and granting execute permission.

Before that, what is the Page ID? Does your license has permissions to execute the page id?

I am using Version 7 (NAV 2013)

If you are using NAV 2013 it’s possible to modify profile permission from menu /Departments/Administration/IT Administration/General/Permission Sets, clicking on “Permission” action from permission set card.

But, as Mohana asked (I didn’t think about it at first) you have to ensure your license allows to use that ID: if you don’t know granules included and so you can make a page list based on License Permission and check the specific ID.