Error while trying to post output journal!


I am trying to post a output journal, but when i am trying this error message appears:

The general posting setup does not exist.

Identification fields and values:

Gen. Bus. Posting Group=", Gen. Prod. Posting Group=‘VESTCH’

I have been to the general posting setup, to make sure this was set up.

I have made sure there is entered a Business posting group in the released prod. order.

Are there anywhere i need to fill in something in order to make this error dissapear?


Have u created one line in setup having Gen. Bus. Posting Group=", Gen. Prod. Posting Group=‘VESTCH’ ?

Uhm, i’m not sure. What do you mean with one line setup? :slight_smile:

Insert one line in Setup having Gen. Bus. Posting Group=", Gen. Prod. Posting Group=‘VESTCH’

No, I don’t think I have. But i am not sure how to do that. I have just connected the VESTCH to at Bus. Posing group. And made sure that this was present on all levels (Capacities, items, routing, BOM, etc.)