Error while taking backup from Navision

hi ,

When i am trying to taking backup from navision (tools → Backup),

an error occur “TableData 5928 does not exist”. I check in the object designer but the table 5928 exist.

can anyone help me??

thx in advance


Can you run that table ? It may be that your license is not allowing you to open that table or permission.

Do you have super role?



when i try to run this table, i have the same error “TableData does not exist” and i am using developer liscence , and i have a super role.

check for the record variables used

u may have used a deleted table as a record variable

The easiest way to find it is to design the object, the compile it. It should take you straight to where the error is (if it is a local variable). Otherwise just check the Global variables list.