Error Installing JetExpress


I am downloading a JetExpress from

Because I tried to download many times and the error still persist. Is there other link where I can download another Jet Express(64 & 32 bit)?? and where can I find the license of their JetExpress.

What error are you getting in above link?

What is the error ?

I always get the error that says

“C:\Users\Developer\Downloads\Jet Express (64-bit)(2).exe.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read."

even in 32bit… I get the same error too.

Not sure, did you check system requirements?

I’m using Windows 7 Enterprise

I just downloaded Jet Express English 32bit version successfully from above link

How about 64bit?? I also downloaded 64 bit and it says “Error reading setup initialization file”

I done setup for 64 bit from the same and it is working fine. Check your system requirement sufficient for the same as Mohana suggested.

As well as check the permission for installation for your user id .Try to install with Administrator.

Im logged with admin account… is there other download link???

The installation is now okay… thanks to both of you… i found out that I just need an account of administrator even for downloading and verified the compatibility. By the way, where is the verify button??

The Post is in Nav Tips & Tricks forum, may be that is the reason we didnt have Verify Button

ohh… I got it… sorry