error in gen.bus.posting group when negative adjustment

Hi guys when i make negative adjustment from item journal this message error show “you must specify inventory adjmt.account in general posting setup gen.bus.posting group =”" group =“amy12”

why this error show and how i solve it.


When you post a negative adjustment there will be 2 GLr entries created. Inventory account will credit and inventory adjustment will debit.

When you post the item journal, since there is no business posting group and there is a general product posting group for the item, system takes the combination of the Gen. business posting group “Blank” and Gen. product posting Group “amy12” . when the system try to find the inventory adjustment account for this combination, as you did not have attached the account system is throwing this error.

You can attach the inventory adjustment account for this line combination in the General posting setup.

Go to Financial Management–> Setup–> Posting groups–> General–> Posting group

Select the desire account in Inventory Adjmet.Account field in combination with gen.bus posting group and posting group