"Error executing code: Wrong type of element at call of ConIns."


I am getting error while running the RunBaseBatch class it says,

“Error executing code: Wrong type of element at call of ConIns.”

Error executing code: Wrong type of element at call of ConIns.

Stack trace:

[S] \Classes\BomCalcJob\pack - line 3

[S] \Classes\BomCalcJob_Item\pack - line 3

[S] \Classes\RunBase\promptPack - line 3

[S] \Classes\RunBaseBatch\promptPack - line 5

[S] \Classes\RunBase\promptPrint - line 13

[S] \Classes\RunBase\prompt - line 10

[S] \Classes\RunBaseBatch\prmpt - line3

[C] \Classes\BomCalcJob\main - line 53

[C] \Classes\FomrFunctionButtonControl\clicked

[C\ \Classes\FormFunctionButtonControl\Clicked - line 12

The code is compiled and working fine in another environment.

The error thrown on pack method, I try clearing the usage data and then retry it but error doesn’t go away.

Can you please guide me how can i get rid of this error.