ERP- Role Center

Hi all,

I have 2 issue on Role Center on Dynamics AX 2009

Previously i done on the configuration on Role Center in Dynamic and it is successful shown on Dynamics AX but the error

shown when i go to Role Center:

  1. When i want to see the Customers KPIs graph or chart it will show the error :

“An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the analysis server” , i try to solve it but mostly say the root cause by

ODC deployment but i worries it might be effect the whole system if we redeploy the ODC file.

  1. The second issues is when i want to see the chart on Cash Inflow vs Cash Outflow chart the error shown as: "An error

occurred while trying to display the report from the Cust.CashInflowvsCashOutflow.RoleCenter folder. This error was

caused by the following exception: Cannot read information from SQL Server Reporting Services. Validate that the Report

Manager URL is correct." and i tried to get the solve but cannot get.

So both of this error is effecting the whole role center where it cannot be shown.

Therefore i need some advise and guide on this matter



It’s security.

Thanks, Later i will check and if i cannot then i get in touch with you