Enum value not getting changed


in q79 tat 58 id is still there…

Try debugging.

Yes, I tried Kranthi and its skipping from this code

if (this.Orig().QuarantineId
&& this.Orig().QuarantineId != this.QuarantineId)
invqOrig= InventQuarantineOrder::find(this.Orig().QuarantineId, true);
invqOrig.InventNonConformanceId = "";

Sorry. Call that code before super();

Yes, Kranthi.
Its working fine now…
Thank you!

if (this.Orig().QuarantineId
&& this.Orig().QuarantineId != this.QuarantineId)

Why u used two this.Orig().QuarantineId, Kranthi?

this.Orig().QuarantineId → will give you the value of QuarantineId before updating. (example - if the existing quarantine id is 10 and you have updated it to 20, then the this.Orig().QuarantineId will give you 10).