Emty Line in Sales rows

Hello Folks, We have folling problem: If i have a offer, with some text lines. Like 1:Hello, 2:Here is your ofer … 3:Greeting your … So i what to but a emty line between 1 and 2 like: 1:Hello, 2: 3:Here is your ofer … 4:Greeting your … So how can i do this easiely ??? If if use F3 i must put firsz some text in the Discreption Field, da after this is must delete it, to get an emty line ?! Anyone here know a simple way to create a emty line between two others ? ------------ Best regards Alejandro Schubert schubert@dolphinct.de

Make sure the Type of the line is blank. Then the line is treated as being a Text entry and you can leave everything blank. John