I’m a lecturer at a university of professional education in the Netherlands. We are educating our students in ERP systems, from a financials/accounting viewpoint. Besides the conceptual framework of ERP in general, we want to let our students get acquintained with NAV as an example of an ERP system. In the Dutch language there are three very good educational books about NAV with hand-on assignments.
What I’m looking for is training material, that can (and may) be used by my students as an advanced course in ERP-NAV. Issues like profitability analysis, cost centers/profit centers, depreciation of fixed assets, month end closing, budgeting, cost allocation, and so on.
Is there anybody at this forum who can help me?
In the Netherlands, we use NAV 3.70 and plan to upgrade to NAV 5 in 2008 (reason for the 3.70 is that the educational books are written for 3.70 and will not be updated to version 4, but directly to version 5).
Thanks for your reply…
Hans van der Hoeven
Avans Hogeschool
The Netherlands
I think the best training materials are the ones that are released by Microsoft for the partners. Microsoft will make these training materials free for Microsoft partners pretty soon. If you’re an end user, you might want to ask your solution provider to see if you can get these training materials from them.
I heard in the ‘Convergence 2006 Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Meet the Experts’ state that customers can buy the actual training manual and materials.
Currently they do have it for Navision 4.00.
I recommended also that you get Scott Hamilton’s book on Navision as well.
Below is link to a CRM pdf file you may read as well.
Next below are links to Microsoft free webcast about Navision. Usually 10min of intro then 40 minutes of good overview and processing of different areas. Then a 5 minute rap up questions. If you search the webcast. I know they had Accounting, Warehouse, Manufacturing, CRM etc.
sorry for the late reply, I have been travelling, and am just trying now to catch up a bit.
I was discussing this issue at Tech Ed Barcelona with Microsoft. Microsoft defintely see the benefit of close involvement with educational institutions that want to use Navision. I would say the best thing would be to contact Microsoft directly, or even better, contact someone in the Community Team, as it is more under their juristriction. Unfortunately I can not post those details in the forum, but if you send me a PM (click here) I can forward your details to the correct person.