Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 Standard Customer Statement Report 116

Replicateable in Cronus 2013 R2, Run Customer Statement 116 for customer 10000 Canon Group or 61000 Fairway Sound with the following parameters:

Start Date 01/01/2011

End Date 27/06/2015

Show Overdue Entries = YES

Include All Customers with a Balance = YES

Aging Band Period Length = 1M + CM

Aging Band by: DUE DATE

Log interactions = Yes

We get error:

An error occured during local report processing.

The Hidden expresison for the text box ‘textbox3’ uses an aggregate function with an expression that returned a data type not valid for the aggregate function.

The Hidden expresison for the text box ‘textbox3’ uses an aggregate function with an expression that returned a data type not valid for the aggregate function.

Textbox3 has an expression

=(Fields!TotalCaption.Value) &Fields!CurrencyCode4_CustLedgEntry2.Value

with a hidden expression of

=iif(Sum(Fields!RemainAmt_CustLedgEntry2) <> 0 , true, false)

If the renderer can calculate a sum that is not equal to zero then show the data in textbox3.

To overcome this error i’ve had to remove the show/hide visibility expression completely and set it to always show.

It’s working for now but I would like some opinions/better suggestions if possiblle.

In the hidden expression the “.Value” statement is missing, you need to have:

=iif(Sum(Fields!RemainAmt_CustLedgEntry2.Value) <> 0 , true, false)

Yes apperently this is a bug in the standard system . Seen it before .
