Replicateable in Cronus 2013 R2, Run Customer Statement 116 for customer 10000 Canon Group or 61000 Fairway Sound with the following parameters:
Start Date 01/01/2011
End Date 27/06/2015
Show Overdue Entries = YES
Include All Customers with a Balance = YES
Aging Band Period Length = 1M + CM
Aging Band by: DUE DATE
Log interactions = Yes
We get error:
An error occured during local report processing.
The Hidden expresison for the text box ‘textbox3’ uses an aggregate function with an expression that returned a data type not valid for the aggregate function.
The Hidden expresison for the text box ‘textbox3’ uses an aggregate function with an expression that returned a data type not valid for the aggregate function.
Textbox3 has an expression
=(Fields!TotalCaption.Value) &Fields!CurrencyCode4_CustLedgEntry2.Value
with a hidden expression of
=iif(Sum(Fields!RemainAmt_CustLedgEntry2) <> 0 , true, false)
If the renderer can calculate a sum that is not equal to zero then show the data in textbox3.
To overcome this error i’ve had to remove the show/hide visibility expression completely and set it to always show.
It’s working for now but I would like some opinions/better suggestions if possiblle.