hi, after having some fun with my forms i really don’t know for what i can / should use the drill / drop down propertys cause they make the same as an option-field or ? so where is the differents … expl: i searched for a solution to fill the optionvalues in a dropdown-field during runtime but i think it always needs a static string containing the options which are shown … or ? *** quack ***
If the options need to be dynamic, you might want to consider creating a table that contains the options. From there you can use filtering to limit what the user sees dynamicly. Bill Benefiel Manager of Information Systems Overhead Door Company billb@ohdindy.com (317) 842-7444 ext 117
yap i solved it in this way but it only works with a lookup … what i have to do that it will be shown in a dropdownlist ? *** quack ***