Do job budget lines create demand for purchase requisition worksheets or MRP

Do material requirements from Job count as demand for MRP or requisitions?

Yes, they can. You need to ensure two fields are set on the Job to allow the MRP to pick up the demand.

The first is the Job Status field must be set to OPEN.

The second is you must have Apply Usage Link set to TRUE (toggled on)

With these two fields set any Item lines in your Job Planning Lines will be picked up as Demand in your MRP calculation.

Be sure you have your Location Code set on the Job Planning Line so the demand is in the proper Location.

P.S. You can set the Apply Usage Link to default to on in the Jobs Setup.

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Material requirements from a job can be considered as demand for both MRP (Material Requirements Planning) and requisitions, but the specific handling may vary depending on the context and system in place.

In the context of MRP, material requirements from a job are typically considered as demand signals that trigger the replenishment process. MRP systems use various factors such as job requirements, lead times, inventory levels, and production schedules to calculate the material needs and generate procurement or production orders accordingly. These orders are meant to fulfill the demand generated by the job and ensure sufficient inventory levels to meet future requirements.

On the other hand, requisitions are formal requests made by individuals or departments within an organization to acquire specific materials or products. Material requirements from a job can be used to create requisitions to communicate the need for specific items to the purchasing or procurement department. Requisitions typically go through an approval process before the actual procurement takes place.

In summary, material requirements from a job serve as a demand signal for MRP systems to plan for replenishment and generate procurement or production orders. Additionally, requisitions can be created based on job requirements to initiate the formal procurement process within the organization. The specific handling and integration of these demands may depend on the MRP system and procurement practices employed by the company.

No clue what the AI was responding too, but as an update to this topic, the Apply Usage Link is no longer required in BC SAAS.

In fact, it can actually be detrimental to your Jobs if you don’t properly assign a Job Planning Line to your Usage or Purchases as the system will create additional Planning Lines, which inflates your original budget.

Be sure you work through your process in a test environment before moving your settings to your live environment.