But Naresh,How can i use tis in report?
what are the tables u r using in the report datasource…
my report has 2 tables 1.ListTable,2.AppSummaryTable…these two table are customized my me
these two tables having the empId field…
yes thy have
So build the query by ListTable in the fetch method…
static void EmpDim(Args _args)
Query q;
QueryRun qr;
QueryBuildDataSource qbds;
QueryBuildRange qbr;
EmplTable emplTable;
EmplId empId;
str dim1;
str dim2;
q = new Query();
qbds = q.addDataSource(tablenum(ListTable));
qbr = qbds.addRange(fieldnum(ListTable,emplId));
qr = new QueryRun(q);
while( qr.next() )
ListTable = qr.get(tablenum(ListTable));
empId = ListTable.EmplId;
dim1 = EmplTable::find(empId).Dimension[1];
dim2 = EmplTable::find(empId).Dimension[2];
and write the display methods for it…
as per my understading i said this…
Naresh Kolli
Ok Naresh ,will try the method which you have said.
Hi naresh,
i’m using only one table. centre,region,product are the my dimension. how can i fetch the form value into the my report?
my codeing::::::::::
qr = new QueryRun(this.query());
while (qr.next())
issue = qr.get(tablenum(RF_Issue));
if(First == 0)
First =1;
if(issueTracker.CaseID != ’ ')
serialNo = serialNo + 1;
caseId = issue.CaseID;
openDate = issue.DateOpen;
centre = issue.Dimension[1];
region = issue.Dimension[2];
product = issue.Dimension[3];
severity = issue.Severity;
department = issue.RF_Department;
category = issue.Category;
subCategory = issue.RF_Subcategory;
status = issue.Status;
escalatedTo = issue.EscalatedTo;
can u help me?