Disable or hide unwanted menus

If i dont want my user to access a particular module like Fixed access … can i simple disable Fixed Access menu for him what is the best way to block user access to unwanted modules like fixed access or general ledger

The proper method, anyway, is to restrict the access of a user using the specified roles in the user security. Depending on the version of Navision, other methods can apply.

if you want the differnet menu (main modules like fixed asset, etc) views for different depart ment then create a different main menu for different department. Adn assign the menu to the users in the user setup. Though you assign roles, you might miss but this menu option will not let them to access the fixed asset menu ( for example) at all. if you want different menu’s for users then you can have to design a small menu project.

Not sure which version this refers to, but lakshmivalluru what you are suggestiong is not ideal. Thomas’ method though is correct. If you set security to dissallow the users access to these areas, then the menues can be set tobe hidden for them. If all you do is block menu access, then the users will still have many differnt ways to access other areas of the system.

Hi David, I meant, along with roles permissions you can set up different menu’s. Not skipping roles. Roles are default settings for any user.

If it’s Nav 4.0 use the menu suite in conjunction with the Navision security. As a reminder, even though you don’t give them the menu, Navision allows users to access them one way or another during drill downs, lookups etc. So be careful and test it thoroughly.


Hi David, I meant, along with roles permissions you can set up different menu’s. Not skipping roles. Roles are default settings for any user.
Originally posted by lakshmivalluru - 2006 Apr 17 : 11:27:49

Thats perfect then, just wanted to make sure.