GB3.60 with upto HF16 The customer is experiencing (inconsistent) problems with the dimension values on recurring journals. The global dimensions are copying forward fine, but the additional dimensions do not copy. Immediately after posting the journal, the dimension appear to be present. But when the custome returns 1 month later to run the journal again they are not!! I have not been able to reproduce this in Cronus, but it is definately happening and would appreciate any input or thoughts as I’m going slightly mad with this one. Something is happeing within the montly cycle of events that deletes the dimensions from the supporting dimension value table. I understand this is a little vague but can anyone shed any light on it??
OK - sorted. Was something in inventory management codeunit that deleted the data…
Hi Adam, When you say “something in inventory management codeunit that deleted the data…”…is that from the standard Navision or was it a customised piece of code that was deleting the data… Can you be more specific so that we do not have same issues… Thanks
It was in standard but is fixed in 3.70 In COD5895: Variable TempJnlLineDim in procedures InsertAdjmtEntry and InsertRoundingEntry has to be defined temporary