different UOMs

Hello experts,

can u please help me solve my problem?


I have an item. I sell this item for a customer in boxes, but sometimes i have to sell in pieces. In this case the piece price is higher than the normal because i have to open the boxes. This part is no problem. How can I manage to view the stock quantity in different UOM-s. I have to know how many pieces, and how many boxes i have. Does this mean I have to create two different Item master data? Can u please tell me where to find some information about this problem



Hi Otto,

You can define the Base Unit of Measure, Sales Unit of Measure & Purchase Unit of Measure for an item.

Also you can define the relationship between various UOM, like 1 BOX=12 PCS etc., and from this relationship you can conbvbert from Base UOM to other UOM.

Hello Dhan,

Thank you so I dont have to create two differetn items, thats good. Also can you please help me with sopme guide,about where and how can do this conversion and with which report can I see these informations?


You may need to create a custom report or do the calculations manually.

Where & How to do conversion: Take a look at Base Unit of Measure in Item card and there you can define vbariour UoM & Qty. per UOM, setup this and create PO/SO in different UoM and check its affect on Inventory etc…(of course do this in Test/ Demo Database)

Ok thank you!

Have a good weekend

Otto, you are welcome and you too have a nice weekend.