Difference between Balance and Balance($)

In the Customer Table: What is the difference between Balance and Balance ($).

I ran an A/R report with a filter for balance: >0 through …12/31/12 hoping to get outstanding balances through 12/31/12. These gave me negative(prepaid) as well as positive(outstanding) balances - I was only hoping to see outstanding balances through 12/31/12.

When I changed the filter to balance($): >0 it showed me only outstanding balances which is what I wanted. So my question is what is the difference between the data in Balance and Balance ($)?

Balance :- This field displays the customer’s current balance. If you invoice a customer in more than one currency, this balance will be the sum of entries in different currencies.

Balance $ :- This field displays, in $ (Local currency), the customer’s current balance .In your case it is $