Delivery statistics report

How do I run a delivery statistics report on NAV Dynamics 2016?

Can you be more specific in your question by giving the report no. or what exactly is your requirement.

Hi Keith,
Welcome to the user group. NAV 2016 does not have a standard “delivery statistics” report.
It does have a number of sales statistics report.

But what are your requirements to this “delivery statistics”? It may mean something else to you.

In the last version of Nav we had we were able to run a report showing all deliveries within a selected period, the report would include the promised date & show actual shipment dates, this report was found in Sales & Marketing, Order processing, Reports, Delivery status report, then we would tick Product group & show on time.

This is not a standard report. If you had it in the previous version then you might still have it. Unless it was not upgraded. You could check it using the development environment. Otherwise ask the partner who did the upgrade.