Hi Forum, is there a report/routine for deleting Purchase Orders for non stock items that were received by mistake. I cannot reverse them using the standard undo function because they are Non Stock and they do not have Account Codes setup in the Posting Setup routine. Paul [:D]
Hi Paul
What version of Navision are you using and what error are you getting? I have just undone a receipt for a Non-stock Item in version 4.0 SP2.
Hi Paul,
I believe that a when you put a nonstock item on a PO, it automatically becomes a ‘normal’ item. Which means if you received it, you can just undo it like any other receipt.
Do you get any specific errors that might explain this behavoir ?
Hi Claus, sorry for delay in replying, had a few days off. Its version 4 SP2 and what has happened is the user created a PO for a non stock item and forgot to enter a Job. They have received the goods in and then realised the mistake and tried to undo the receipt BUT there are no accounts specified for the Inventory posting group etc as its non stock they cannot back it out. I cant be more specific at the moment because for some reason I cannot connt to them. I will update this thread when I can get in.
Hoping to get ot to NZ early next year for a few weeks vacation…Paul
Hi Paul
It would help a lot if we knew the error message and I am sure the error message is the solution. The error message will most likely tell the missing setup needed to post the undo receipt.
Hi Claus, the error is that the Inventory Account has not been specified for the Inventory Posting Group. The Item is a Non-stock item so no Account was defined in the first place. It allowed the user to receive the item without it but not undo it. I can create a PO in test, receive it and then undo the receipt without the account defined. Any Ideas?
I have just tested this and I get the same issue as you do when I am using v4.0 SP2 and when I have turned on in Inventory setup. Could it be that has been turned off in the Test database?
Anyway I couldn’t understand why the Inventory Account was need for the undoing of a receipt when the posting of the receipt didn’t require the Inventory Account so I tried the same test in v4.0 SP3 and I was able to undo the receipt without specifying an Inventory Account. I guess it is a bug that has been solve in SP3.
Hi Claus, yes Automatic Cost Posting is switched on. Thanks for your help on this one, I have spoken to the client and they are going to live with it and put procedures inplace to ensure that staff do not do this again but I wont hold my breath. Atleast we know now that it must be a bug in Vers 4 SP2. Many thanks Paul [:D]