Delete pending invoices

Good afternoon,

I’m trying to delete a pending invoice to open up the PO’s again. The invoice is already invoiced, but as a NON-PO at the end and not as a PO-invoice. What it was at first.

Now the invoice is also in pending invoices and blocking the PO’s that I have to invoice.

I already tried if I could do something with ‘Invoice history and matching details’, but there it also can’t be found.

Does somebody maybe have a solution?

Thank you for response.


Hey Ilse,

Are you getting some sort of error message when you try to delete the pending invoice?


No, We just can’t select the PO’s at the correct invoice, because they are on a pending invoice.

you mean to say you are not able to find the pending invoice on
Accounts payable > Common > Vendor invoices > Pending vendor invoices

No, I can’t delete them

what error it is throwing when you are trying to delete? or you want to say delete button it disabled?
have you tried using alt + f9