I dont think there is an upgrade toolkit. from 5 to 5sp1.
Its only the objects that have changed. You can either open it using a 5sp1 client or just restore the back up using 5sp1 client. Then import the merged objects.
hi da i was able to compare the objects and i got the difference between the customized object and standerd object … now shall i make the changes DB r shall i use mearge tool to do… if merge tool can do it how can i proceed .
As said earlier also, please download mergetool from www.mergetool.com, there you will get the relevant help document and a video explaining how to use the merge tool.
The mergetool from this site is a very good tool for upgrade project. I don;t know why you are hesitant about using merge tool and making your own efforts. I believe people here will help you when you have specific question, they can just show you the path and link from where you can get help…Please don’t expect spoon feeding. I hope that this will not be termed as rude reply