Data Port Validation - Item Card

Nav v6.0 - Classic Client

I am trying to update the Sales Unit of Measure and Purchase Unit Of Measure fields on the Item Card. I have created a dataport to update the information (Item). There seems to be another linked table that needs to be validated on import (Item Unit of Measure).

Does anyone know the code I need to insert into the onAfterImportRecord section to trigger the UOM’s?

This is the error I get when trying to Order or Purchase:

The Item Unit of Measure Does Not Exist

Thanks in advance,


When creating an item you also have to create a record on table 5404 “Item Unit of Measure” - this is the lookup table from the item card

sample code:


ItemUOM.“Item no.” := MyItem;

ItemUOM.“Code” := MyUOM;

ItemUOM.“Qty. per Unit of Measure” := 1;


If you have access to an experienced developer, I recommend that you have a chat with them.