Data Migration Framework


I have been using DMF beta version 1 and 2, and i found the same error “at least to me” in both versions.

In both versions when i imported the Product list, the item are created perfectly, but when i go to “default order setting” the entire window is dim “disabled”, the item number do not exist, so no identification.

I managed to go throw this with excel addsin, but still its annoying because if i didn’t solve it with excel addsin, then the entire import is a failure because the item cant be moved.

I think there should be a field that i should import but i didn’t, i hope that anyone can advice which field i should import with my template.

Below is a list of the default fields available in the DMF product list, and what are the fields that i imported but still dis activating my default order setting.

No Field name Status
1 EcoResProductTranslation_LanguageId Selected
2 PrimaryVendorId Selected
3 InventTableModulePurch_TaxItemGroupId Selected
4 InventTableModuleSales_TaxItemGroupId Selected
5 UnitVolume Selected
6 ReqGroupId Selected
7 ItemBuyerGroupId Selected
8 InventTableModulePurch_OverDeliveryPct Selected
9 NetWeight Selected
10 ItemType Selected
11 ProductSubType Selected
12 ProductType Selected
13 VariantConfigurationTechnology Selected
14 ItemId Selected
15 DisplayProductNumber Selected
16 EcoResProductTranslation_Name Selected
17 EcoResProductTranslation_Description Selected
18 BatchNumGroupId Selected
19 grossWidth Selected
20 grossDepth Selected
21 grossHeight Selected
22 InventTableModuleInvent_UnitId Selected
23 InventTableModulePurch_UnitId Selected
24 InventTableModuleSales_UnitId Selected
25 BOMUnitId Selected
26 ItemGroupId Selected
27 ModelGroupId Selected
28 EcoResProductDimensionGroup_Name Selected
29 EcoResStorageDimensionGroup_Name Selected
30 EcoResTrackingDimensionGroup_Name Selected
31 SearchName Selected
32 NameAlias Selected
33 CostGroupId Selected
34 DefaultOrderType Selected
35 StandardInventColorId
36 AltInventColorId
37 DefaultDimension
38 AltItemId
39 AutoReportFinished
40 BOMCalcGroupId
41 BOMLevel
42 BOMManualReceipt
43 CommissionGroupId
44 CostModel
45 AltInventSizeId
46 Density
47 Depth
48 ABCContributionMargin
49 ABCRevenue
50 ABCTieUp
51 EPCManager
52 FiscalLIFOAvoidCalc
53 FiscalLIFONormalValue
54 FiscalLIFONormalValueCalc
55 ForecastDMPInclude
56 GroupId
57 Height
58 Intracode
59 IntraUnit
60 InventTable_Description
61 InventTableModuleInvent_OverDeliveryPct
62 InventTableModuleInvent_Price
63 InventTableModuleInvent_PriceDate
64 InventTableModuleInvent_PriceQty
65 InventTableModuleInvent_PriceUnit
66 InventTableModuleInvent_TaxItemGroupId
67 InventTableModuleInvent_UnderDeliveryPct
68 InventTableModulePurch_Price
69 InventTableModulePurch_PriceDate
70 InventTableModulePurch_PriceQty
71 InventTableModulePurch_PriceUnit
72 InventTableModulePurch_UnderDeliveryPct
73 InventTableModuleSales_OverDeliveryPct
74 InventTableModuleSales_Price
75 InventTableModuleSales_PriceDate
76 InventTableModuleSales_PriceQty
77 InventTableModuleSales_PriceUnit
78 InventTableModuleSales_UnderDeliveryPct
79 IsSelected
80 ItemDimCostPrice
81 ItemPriceToleranceGroupId
82 ItemTaggingLevel
83 LowestQty
84 MatchingPolicy
85 MinimumPalletQuantity
86 OrigCountryRegionId
87 OrigCountyId
88 OrigStateId
89 PackagingGroupId
90 PalletTagging
91 PBAAutostart
92 PBAHideApproval
93 PBAHideDialog
94 PBAInventItemGroupId
95 PBAItemAutoGenerated
96 PBAItemConfigurable
97 PBAMandatoryConfig
98 Phantom
99 ProdFlushingPrincip
100 ProdGroupId
101 ProdPoolId
102 projCategoryId
103 PropertyId
104 PurchModel
105 qtyPerLayer
106 SalesContributionRatio
107 SalesModel
108 SalesPercentMarkup
109 SalesPriceModelBasic
110 ScrapConst
111 ScrapVar
112 SerialNumGroupId
113 sortCode
114 StandardConfigId
115 AltConfigId
116 StandardInventSizeId
117 standardPalletQuantity
118 StatisticsFactor
119 TaraWeight
120 TaxPackagingQty
121 TransferStatus
122 UseAltItemId
123 ABCValue
124 Width
125 WMSArrivalHandlingTime
126 WMSPalletTypeId
127 WMSPickingQtyTime

If anyone knows which field i should include or import to activate my default order setting, please list it down.

As also this post could be a guide for the people who would like to use DMF and are facing problems in understanding the field purposes.


Hello Fadi,

As far as I know there are no fields in the standard entity for products for the default order settings.

We created these fields, in the entity, ourselves.


Hi Dennis,

i know there is know there is no fields for the default order setting, its fine with me, am saying that when i import the product i can’t even go to that window and do a manual entry “the default order setting” the entire window is dim, all fields and drop down boxes are disabled.
