The step we do for switching from legacy to ax is
We print out opened sales order information from the legacy system, and let the user key-in those information into Ax ( open new SO in Ax manually ).
After we finished key-in open PO, SO into the system, we posted stock journal to adjust the quantity and the cost price of the item in the inventory. Now we use this as a starting point, the inventory quantity, inventory cost price, and accounting balance of 2 system will be equal.
However, our item price is set as moving average.
- Let say if we have 1 opened sales order that status delivered ( not yet invoice ).
When we key-in this SO (before adjustment the inventory/account), we also perform product delivery.
Ax post cost entry like this when we perform the product delivery
delivered :
Dr Sales, packing slip offset wrong cost price
Cr Order, packing slip wrong cost price
The reason that the cost price that was posted to Ax was wrong is this is the opened SO from the legacy, and Ax use its own calculated cost price ( our item is moving average ).
After we finished key-in open PO, SO into the system, we posted stock journal to adjust the quantity and the cost price of the item in the inventory. Now we use this as a starting point, the inventory quantity, inventory cost price, and accounting balance of 2 system will be equal.
However, Ax already post the account when we perform the delivered, and this account will be reversed when we post the invoice
invoice : reverse
Dr Order, packing slip same amount as above which is wrong cost price
Cr Sales, packing slip offset same amount as above which is wrong cost price
Therefore, when we delivered the account balance of “Order, packing slip” main account and “Sales, packing slip offset” main account will not be correct. ( Since the accounting balance is adjusted from the step2, but this happened after that )
If we have situation like this, what should we do ?
or do you have any suggesting bringing the moving average item from the legacy system to Ax ?
Thank you very much