Customer List Base by Dimension

Hi, Is there’s a way to Print the Customer List base on the Dimension attached to the Customer.?? Hoping for your reply.Thanks


Yes, but it depends on what version you’re using. In NAV 5.0 you have the Sales Analysis tool, where you can analyze and print your sales data based on dimensions.


Yes, Sales analysis i use full.but you will manually defeind the Customer base on the dimension to dispaly in the analysis, I just want the Customer List base on the dimension the dimension is not a GLOBAL DIMENSION…is there a default report in nav, like that? Hoping for your advise and suggestion. Thanks

Funny, I just replied to the same question on mibuso. Is that yours too?


You can make 2 fields in Customer Table:

  • Dimension Filter - Type: Code, FieldClass: FlowFilter, TableRelation: Dinesion Table

  • Dimension Value - Type: Code, FieldClass:FlowField, CalcFormula: Lookup(“Default Dimension”.“Dimension Value Code” WHERE (Table ID=CONST(18),No.=FIELD(No.),Dimension Code=FIELD(Dimension Filter))), TableRelation: “Dimension Value”.Code WHERE (Dimension Code=FIELD(Dimension Filter))

After this you will be able select any dimension in “Dimension Filter” field and filter Dimension Value in the “Dimension Value” field.


Thanks for the advise, I help me al lot…and yes it’s me also that post the same question in mibuso…Thanks for the advise again… [Y]