could anybody give advice why the customer ageing report doesn’t show ageing when run via batch job? Only “Balance as at” have the values, other columns are zero.
Many thanks
could anybody give advice why the customer ageing report doesn’t show ageing when run via batch job? Only “Balance as at” have the values, other columns are zero.
Many thanks
I presume you are not running it on recurrence but running it once and therefore it is the settings used I guess - what parameters did you set on the run?
thanks for reply. My customer runs it on recurrence. There has been absolutely no problem with it until last week. If they run the report once to the screen it’s ok. If they run it via batch job with same parameters now it isn’t ageing.
Many thanks
So if it was working fine a week ago you need to know what has happened in the week since - any deployments or did they restart the batch with different parameters?