Cust Form

Hi All,

I the Cust Form we have a ADDRESS tab, in that when we enter the street,zip code…that fields are updated in the

address field.

my query is when i add a new field after street ,that should be also updated.

How its done,what is the code for that and in which methods i have to write the code?

Thanks & Regards



If you want to add a new field after street and want that the address field should be updated when this field is modified then you’ll have to check:

  1. Address Map, its fields and its methods.

  2. You’ll have to override the modified method of the new field ‘Street’ in the datasource table similar to as it is done for the CountryRegionId field:

\Forms\Address\Data Sources\Address\Fields\CountryRegionId\Methods\modified

public void modified()





Hi Shrama,

public void modified()





Here what is operation exactly done ?

pls explain me…


Whenever the Address form is opened from the Customers master form and the field CountryRegionId field is modified the address field of the Address table is updated by the method formatAddress() of AddressMap. Similarily there are other fields in the Address form like City which when modified the Address field in the table is updated.

But you’ll have to see yourself how you can incorporate the change which you require. I’ve just told you what you should follow.

Hi Sharma,

Thanks for ur information.I am trying to find the solution from ur answer.