On entry of any details in the “Lines”, the cursor should move to the next “input” available column to the right. If no available “Input” columns to the right, then advance to the next row, next input capable column from serial number control of picking registration line grid.How to achieve this.
In Picking list registration form line details, i have a field like a serial number in line grid as 8 col when i enter “enter key”.I want to check after 8th col is there any field with value,if the field and value exist then cursor move to next column else it should me to next row 8th col. How to achieve this.
Do you know the fields that are present after the serial number? Are they bound fields?
If so you can get the value. control1.skip(Table.field1 != ‘’); (depending on type check the value)
Yes i know the field after the serial number,“ship date” and lot id is present after the “Serial number column”.How can i check field is bounded fields or unbounded fields.are u saying about string data type.
little bit scenario has been changed can you give the suggestion to achieve the below scenario.
Initially cursor should stay in “Seraialnumber”(8thcol) field ,whenever i enter “enter” key,I want to check after serial number is there any column,if so then cursor move to next available col or else it should move to next row serial col(8th col).
If i set the skip property to yes then cursor wont move to next col of “Serial Number” when enter key is pressed .scenario is if next col is present after "Serial Number " then cursor should moved next available column else it should move to “Serial Number” col of next row.
Override lostFocus method on serial number form control. Write the below code after super()
if (yourtable_ds.getPosition() != yourtable_ds.numberOfRowsLoaded()) // replace yourTable_ds with actual form data source
Yes i tried code it moving to next row of the grid.but i want like a whenever enter key is pressed on the “serial number” field then cursor move to next editable adjusted col if editable adjust col is not there then cursor come to the next row of the “Serial Number” col.all this things will be happens only “Enter” key is pressed.