Creating Purchase Orders using Planning

Hi There,

I’m getting started using Manufacturing with MRP. I can run MPS and production orders are created for demand. I can then run MRP and suggested purchases are created for purchased items.

How do I automatically create purchase orders for purchased items where the on hand quantity is below the Re Order point? I’ve used just about every combination of options in the planning section.

My replenishment is set to Purchase.

I’ve tried running MPS and MRP from Order Planning and I’ve tried running the Requisition sheet as well. There are not any P.O.s suggested.

Is it even possible to automatically create purchase suggestions if there is not demand? I’m trying to create P.O.s to keep inventory levels.



Hello Steve

What is your Reordering Policy set to? Do you use locations?

Are you certain that the dates you use in the Requisition Worksheet generates stock levels below Reordering Point?

Best Regards
