Creating item data more efficiently

Moin: In our comany very often new items have to be input that only differ in one or two aspects. In this case it would be nice using an existing record as a template to create a new item record with one or two modifications. As far as I know this is not possible in NAVISION Attain 3.10. Anybody out there who can give me a hint how to implement this feature in NAVISION? Regards Alarich

Assuming you input your new items by dataport, why not include a new field that points to the item the new record should be copied from. Then replace the necessary fields with the new one or two aspects.


Originally posted by Alarich
Moin: In our comany very often new items have to be input that only differ in one or two aspects. In this case it would be nice using an existing record as a template to create a new item record with one or two modifications. As far as I know this is not possible in NAVISION Attain 3.10. Anybody out there who can give me a hint how to implement this feature in NAVISION?

On Item Table, 1) Add new boolean field called “Default Item”. 2) On the OnInsert trigger, add the following code: var ItemDefault record Item; PrevNo Code 20; onInsert CLEAR (ItemDefault); ItemDefault.RESET; ItemDefault.SETRANGE("Default Item",TRUE); IF (ItemDefault.FIND'-') THEN BEGIN PrevNo := Rec."No."; Rec.TRANSFERFIELDS(ItemDefault); Rec."No." := PrevNo; END; ...... whatever code you were already having on the trigger... Regards,

Hi, to copy the content in new record from esisting record. 1. click on edit->select 2. press F3 to create a new record 3. press CTRL+V to paste the content in newly create record 4. System will show the error messge. Kindly ignore it. 5. Now click on assist button of No. field to generate the new no.

A more elegant way of doing this is by creating an Item Template table with the fields that are most common. Then on Insertjust ask the user if he wants to use a template and then allow him to choose from the list and then create item. For more info see Contract Templates in Service Manager. Regards, Cristi Nicola

Alarich, I had a similar request from one of our end users except they requested to be able to create the item from ANY of the existing items, therefore I could not just use a default item. The way in which I worked this was similar to copying the item as described by Rajesh, but end users DO NOT like to see error messages, so to get around this, I created a request form to ask the end user to complete a few details for the new item that is being created. The MOST important thing for me was to make sure that this item had a unique “No.” and this was where I “suggested” a new item no. (based on the “No. Series” for items), but allowed the user to create their own (as per request). Hope this helps. Dean.