create VAT report in NAV

Hi all… i want to create VAT report in NAV

so the report will show Amount,Tax Ammout, Amount (LCY), Tax Amount (LCY)

what field should i used?

Base → as Amount (LCY)

Amount → as Tax Amount (LCY)

Sett. Unrealised Amount (FCY) → as Amount

Sett. Unrealized Amount → as Tax Amount

Is that correct? please let me know


That’s not correct, at least not entirely. You actually do not have the FCY amounts in the VAT Entry table.

so… you mean i must using Purchase Invoice Line and sales invoice line table?

Well using those tables for reports is generally a bad idea, primary because you can delete them after you have printed the invoice reports.

So I think, if it was me, then I would be looking into adding the FCY fields to the VAT Entry table. But of course I needed all the details in regards to what the purpose of the report was, to know why it is so important to know the VAT in different currencies, as VAT normally ALWAYS is in your local currency when reported.