i have created a new document service for Applicant. I want to create new Applicant through AIF webservice.
applicant created successfully but when we open the applicant form HR->Applicants Applicantid and name is display on the listpage form but when we click on that applicant Id and open details that time Applicant form is empty. And Table contain all data
i.e HCMApplicant, Dirperson, DirpersonName,DirpartyTable all are inserted data properly but not display on details form…
Please help me…
If you see the record in table browser but not in a form, review the query used by the form. There likely is a filter or a join that filters out the record.
Thanks Martin
I think there is a problem in my document Query.
Please can u check My Created Query.
You said that “applicant created successfully” and the problem is in the form, so why you’re now showing the document query? Can you confirm once more what works and what doesn’t?
If I am using AIF then data are inserted properly on All Table. But not showing on Form.
And when we create Applicant manually in AX data showing on Form properly that’s why i am sending you Query.
And I said that it must be caused by a range or a join in the form.
Hello Darshana
Currently i am doing the integration of job portal with AX i am new to AIF when i searching for some examples i came across ur post . Is ur Problem solved ??? and i need to know how u inserted the applicant through the document service. i need Help on that…
Thanks in Advance
I too Faced the same issue after inserting the Applicant , the issue is in dirpersonName vaildfrom and vaildto filed is empty if we give values to that field it will get displayed.