Cost Saving Analysis for Attain (ROI)

Hi, Can someone share with me Cost Saving Analysis for Attain (ROI/Return On Investment). I’ve tried to find it on the net with many search engines, but I couldn’t found it. Thanks is advance. Aloi

Is this a sales document (white paper) or an Attain object that you’re looking for? Do you have any idea who might have created it? Dave Studebaker Liberty Grove Software A Navision Services Partner

Hi, Thanks David, what I’m looking for is a sales document(whitepaper) that could give our customer a figure what is the benefit for them if they use Attain compare it with current system. We only have a general document which describe what is the Advantage of the ERP with no detail. Aloi

I checked the Navision-US Partner site and couldn’t find any white papers there that seemed to be anything specifically related to the ROI of an Attain installation. Do you know who published what you’re looking for or do you have an exact title? Dave Studebaker Liberty Grove Software A Navision Services Partner

Thanks David, I don’t know the title and who published document like that I think Consulting Firm like Arthur Andersen has it. I don’t expect get document from them, what I want is maybe other NSC has made document like this with their customer and share with us so we have a guidline. Anyway thnaks for your kind attention. Aloi

Just a thought on ROI representations: You need to make sure that you don’t have a legal exposure before you hand one of these over to a prospective client. Allen Beck President Beck Consulting Alameda, CA & Bellevue, WA 800-456-8474

The following link is to an article by K2 Enterprises on the Navision HQ PR site. In it, the author cautions against using “normal” ROI measures to choose an software package. Since K2 Enterprises is both fairly well respected and they like Navision, I thought maybe you could utilize this reference. Dave Studebaker Liberty Grove Software A Navision Services Partner

Hi David, Thanks for your information, I’ve read it. We decide to build this document together with our prospect, because our prospect need this document to give it to their Headquarter on Sweden before they decide to buy Attain. Anyway I also read article with title “On Time In Scope, Within Budget” it say Navision has Diagnostic Tools, do you have any idea about this tool??? Aloi

Hi Aloi, we are also looking some kind of format to quantify the ROI of an investment in Financials/Attain and I would highly appreciate if you could share your ideas/approach on this topic. The article is a starting point, but in the end somehow a figure must be presented to a possible prospect… What you mention in the last paragraph “On Time In Scope, Within Budget” is the slogan of the Navision Metodology called “On Target”, which provides excellent input and documentation on the sales and implementation process. We received the CD’s from our NTR… Excellent material. Saludos Nils

Just for the record: I believe the “Diagnostic Tools” referred to are tools to assist an NSC in “diagnosing” a customer or prospect’s needs prior to proposing, planning, budgeting a new system implementation. They are not technician’s problem diagnostic tools. (i.e. they are for the salespeople/analysts, not the programmers). Dave Studebaker Liberty Grove Software A Navision Services Partner Edited by - daves on 2002 Jan 11 17:19:34

FYI, THis is one of the ROI sample Link that I found on the other day, It was from apprel software, but they had great analysis on ERP ROI. LINK: However, I’m trying to find THE Navision documentation on ROI. Hope Some Navisoners would share with us. Sincerely Andre - |{uya

Preparing an ROI on a Software Solution alone even Attain is a little risky. I’d suggest you get a copy of “Necessary But Not Sufficient” by Eli Goldratt. It describes the need for ERP but to get real return on investement, a company must change what they are doing. ERP enables this change. The agility of Navision make it an ideal product to support this change. This link will get you to the web site. Very interesting thread. Tom Roberts Parente Technology Tom Roberts

Hi Aloi, The diagnostic tool is a part of the Navision implementation methodology that Navision HQ is currently rolling out. This tool,aka On Target Modeler, is a Navision integrated tool for describing functional requirements using UML (unified modeling language).


Originally posted by nilsm: Hi Aloi, we are also looking some kind of format to quantify the ROI of an investment in Financials/Attain and I would highly appreciate if you could share your ideas/approach on this topic. The article is a starting point, but in the end somehow a figure must be presented to a possible prospect… What you mention in the last paragraph “On Time In Scope, Within Budget” is the slogan of the Navision Metodology called “On Target”, which provides excellent input and documentation on the sales and implementation process. We received the CD’s from our NTR… Excellent material. Saludos Nils