As Pranav said there doesn’t seem to be a problem with the charges code set up.
I would suggest you to put the purchase price as 3 freight charges as 2 and Import charges as 1. At least, we can find out which charges are not applying.
After seeing which charges code is not applying, see the posting of this charges code. That may give us some understanding on to which accounts it is getting posted.
actually freight charges was applied and import charges was not applied.
the main issue was regarding the wrong posting method was selected under import charges.
for import expense changes
The Above Posting Debit was right but in Posting Credit there was one issue which i have mentioned below.
Posting Debit
Type:- ITEM
Posting “Empty”
Posting Credit
Type"Ledger Account"
Posting “Purchase, Charges” ( here it was selected Purchase Freight Instead of Purchase Charges.)
Account “2060009”
so this was not affecting the items.
but still thanks so much guys and one more thing want to know there are many method under posting drop down what is the use of each do any one have doc for this please share if some one has.