Copying from one firm to another within one DB

Hello! If my English seems to you unclear or ridiculous excuse me in advance. In short I want to copy a table from ane firm to another within one database. There is a standart procedure for copying some tables from one firm to another in the settings of financial block, but the table I want to copy isn’t in the list of copiable by this procedure tables. In fact the table contains the list of all Russian banks and it’s very useful when adding infomation about new bank accounts. For some reason this list of banks is included to standart distribution as a part of sample firm database but there is no obvious way to copy the list to any other firm or database. Thanks in advance.

If you only need to copy one table, you could try this tool:

If the table is included in the Setup Checklist then you can use “Copy Data” from the Functions button. If it is not included, you can have your NSC modify the Setup Checklist Management codeunit (#406) to include the table you want to copy.

Or do it interactively: Ctrl + A, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V That is: Select all records and copy. In the second company: Paste

Or write a simple report: Define Rec1 and Rec2. CHANGECOMPANY(Rec2). Then COPY from Rec1 to Rec2. CHANGECOMPANY (Record) Use this function to redirect references to table data from one company to another. [Ok :=] Record.CHANGECOMPANY([CompanyName]) Ok Data type: boolean If you omit this optional return value, a run-time error occurs if the system cannot find the company. If you include the return value, you can handle any errors. The possible values are: If Ok is… It means that the company was… TRUE Found FALSE Not found Record Data type: record The record you want to access from a table in another company. CompanyName Data type: text or code The name of the company you want to change to. If you omit this parameter, the system changes back to the current company. Comments When executing this function, the system respects the user’s access rights. For example, a user cannot access data in CompanyName unless he or she already has the necessary access rights. The CHANGECOMPANY function is not affected by RESET (Record). You can deselect a company by making a new call to CHANGECOMPANY or by using CLEAR. Global filters always belong to a specific company. If you use Record.CHANGECOMPANY(NewCompany); to select the company named NewCompany, any filters assigned to Record will be transferred to Record in the new company. Example This example shows how to use the CHANGECOMPANY function. “G/L Account”.CHANGECOMPANY(‘New Company’); “G/L Account”.GET(‘1000’); “G/L Account”.CALCFIELDS(Balance);// Calculates the balance // for account no. 1000 in // ‘New Company’ “G/L Entry”.CHANGECOMPANY(‘New Company’); “G/L Entry”.SETCURRENTKEY(“No.”,LedgerEntry.Date); “G/L Entry”.SETRANGE(“No.”,‘1000’); “G/L Entry”.SETRANGE(Date,010196D,013196D); “G/L Entry”.CALCSUMS(NetAmount); // Sums NetAmount from // all G/L entries on // account no. 1000 within // the specified range, // for ‘New Company’ “G/L Entry”.RESET; “G/L Entry”.FIND(’+’); // Finds the largest “No.” // in the G/L Entry table in // ‘New Company’ “G/L Entry”.DELETE; // Deletes this entry in // ‘New Company’ This example shows that once the CHANGECOMPANY function has been called, all future references to the G/L Account and G/L Entry tables will refer to the table data in New Company.