Converting Ax Oracle to MSSQL DB using SSMA

Hi! I tried to convert our Oracle 9i database to MSSQL2005 using the MS SQL Migration Assistant (SSMA). We are running Axapta 3.0 SP3 and I installed the Kernel rollup. Everything is working except tables that have field names which seem to be keywords. Example: Table “Address” has the field “Type”. When trying to migrate the data, the SSMA gives me the error: JDBC Error: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer] Invalid column name ‘“TYPE”’. Another error message (from another table): JDBC Error: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer] Invalid column name ‘“NAME”’. Some other tables work quite well, it seems to me it’s a problem with the quoted identifiers or the field names or both. Anybody got an idea? Already converted an Axapta Oracle DB with SSMA? BTW: I cannot just export the company data and import again in Axapta, as we are using Virtual Companies and all the recid’s will get mixed up, so that’s not an option. I also tried SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) but that also gives me huge amounts of errors.