Convert a sales order to a purchase order


Is possible to convert a sales order to a new purchase order? or capture a sales order from a new purchase order?

Thanks in advance!

Do you mean something like Drop Ship or Special Order? If so, you could set the sales order as a Speical order, and then use the Req Worksheet to create a purchase order. Or go to a purchase order and use get lines.

Is that what you are after?

Yes, Special Orders is what i needed, thanks a lot. But get lines (¿“Copy lines”?) doesn’t work, I only can copy lines from another purchase order, not from a sales order.

Thanks again, David.

Hi, firstly create your sales order ensuring that you have entered the Purchasing Code relating to Special Orders and then create a purchase order. On the PO shipping tab enter the Sell-to Customer No of the Sales Order. Press the Order button and select Special Order, Get Sales Order. This will list you all Sales Orders for the Sell to Cust No. that have a Puchasing Code for Special Orders, highlight the one you want and press OK. This will populate the PO with the SO details.

Ok, this method doesn’t need the Req Worksheet and its very simple, but if I’ve understood well, I must enter the vendor and despite of this Navision allows me to get product’s lines from other vendors, i don’t understand why :frowning: The requisition worksheet creates purchase order grouping by product’s vendor and customer, so I think there will be less human errors. Thanks!.

There is no restriction inherent in standard Navision on a vendor-item relationship.

The requisition worksheet suggested vendor is a default from theitem card, you can however change the vendor here, and in your scenario order the items from a vendor who cannot supply them, although when they receive the purchase order they may let you know.