Hi, Please could somebody help me in converting a Integer or Decimal to a string and code to a string. ta
Look in the help file under the Syntax of the EVALUATE reference. ------------------ Best regards Alejandro Schubert CYCOS AG System Engineer www.Cycos.com www.Dolphinct.de EMail: Alejandro.Schubert@Cycos.com
Hi, Evaluate will only convert a string into decimal/date/code/option but NOT the other way ie. a decimal into a string/text
to convert something else than a string into a string you need to use result := FORMAT(value); Have a look at the online-help for detailed informations about the use of this function. Code should be converted into string by the system without the FORMAT-function. Stefan Weinreich Billing Analyst Edited by - StefanWeinreich on 2001 Sep 13 12:20:54