Consume Webhook Request in BC

Hi all,

I’m currently trying to consume a WebHook Request in Business Central.

Unfortunately I haven’t found any solution, yet.

In one of the last updates of business central Webhooks became available in Business Central to give a client the opportunity to be notified of changes to entities in Business Central.

Unfortunately this is not the direction i need for my case.

Hat jemand ein paar Ratschläge für mich?

Best regards,


I have NO idea of what you are asking about. Could you try to explain what it is you exactly want to do and what you mean with webhooks?

Ok, sorry, maybe i wasn’t clear enough.
I want to communicate between my bc365 app and a registration/authorization service from the internet.
When the registration was successfull, this service is posting a webhook request to a specified “callback url” with some information about the authorization.

So I need a opportunity to cosume this webhook request in BC to process the included information.

This is the documentation about using business central webhooks to give a client the opportunity to be notified of changes to entities:

Now you know what I meant?


The link you’ve shared is the opposite, than what you ask for. That’s about working with a webhook FROM BC, not consuming a webhook in BC.

So if you want to do something similar, then you need a webservice “listener-service” to run in BC. But it’s outside of my “expertise” so can’t help you more with this one.

This is what I need.

Thanks for your answer. Sad, that you can’t help.